Who is Erin?


I am a Certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, Senior Fitness Specialist, Certified Online Trainer, and Body Positive Fitness Alliance Affiliated Professional. I moved from Bloomington, Illinois to Tampa, Florida in the fall of 2017. From the beginning of 2018 until the end of 2022, I spent time working in the Senior Living industry as a Life Enrichment Assistant and Life Enrichment Director. Currently, I work as an Employee Health Specialist for the City of St. Petersburg by creating health and wellness programs for city employees.

At this time, I will not be working as a personal trainer and taking on new clients.

In my free time, I enjoy long distance running (from 5k's to half marathons), hiking, observing nature, and spending time with my small family that consists of my husband and Corgi-Aussie pup named Auggie.


I believe in providing older adults a safe, welcoming, movement-based environment to build their self-efficacy and progress their fitness. I believe in helping people improve their everyday lives by giving them the tools to move with freedom and confidence in a non-intimidating manner. I deliver exercise programs directly to you by offering in-home services or remote access. I provide individualized training programs to assist each client’s unique fitness plan.



It is my personal belief that we need to be as physically active as possible in a way that is meaningful and practical to you! Exercise is extremely beneficial to various components of health. Regular physical activity helps to combat health conditions/diseases, improve mood, boost energy, promote better sleep, create a fun experience, improve memory and learning, reverse detrimental effects of stress, build self-esteem and increase work productivity!

Exercise hasn't always been the foundation of my lifestyle. Through the years, I have learned what fitness/health longevity means to me and how to apply empathy towards individuals wishing to begin an exercise program for the first time. I have also learned that it's never too late to try something new (exercise related or otherwise!). As a personal trainer, I want to help others achieve their fitness goals and incorporate movement into their lives that is performed in a fun, safe, and effective manner. 

I base my fitness approach on the Body Positive Fitness Alliance's Seven Pillars.
These concepts are the foundation of my personal training practice.

The seven pillars of the BPFA are:

Accessibility I chose to provide an environment where anyone from any walk of life can step foot in and move their bodies and move their bodies without worrying about what they look like doing it.
Approachability I chose to eliminate any intimidating elements from this space which I provide. I understand the difference between intimidating and challenging.
Enjoyment I apply the fact that people are motivated when they feel like they can belong to a community where they can become their best selves and can have fun!
Community I have built a community free of egos and full of heart. I have taught my members that 'fit' does not have a look. Anyone who walks in our doors is a member of our family. We celebrate each other's successes, we lift each other up when down, and we don't stand for judgment. 
Scope of Practice I agree that being a fitness professional does not necessarily make one a nutritional professional, a mental health professional, or a general health adviser. I refer my clients to appropriate care when their needs are outside of my scope of practice. I can identify and I value evidence based science. Studied and proven methods drive my practice. 
Full Health I live in the belief that health is equal parts mental, physical, and emotional. Balance is the key to health and one third cannot thrive if another third is suffering. 
Body Positivity I believe in praise and celebration of what one can and not what one looks like. I understand the damage which is done to individuals when they are encouraged to take up less space. I emphasize with the fact that individuals are unique in shape and size and one's shape or size does not necessarily indicate their strength, endurance, or overall fitness and health. I understand that happiness does not rely on smallness and that fitness does not have a 'look'.